The Body in the Attic is the first in a new cozy mystery series by Judi Lynn. Jazzi, who is a house flipper, along with her cousin Jerod, have started work on a new house that was once owned by their Aunt Lynda’s boyfriend. In the process of clearing the house, the two cousins stumble upon a body in the attic. Tests later show that the body belongs to their Aunt Lynda. Jazzi, along with help from her family, tries to unravel what happened to her Aunt Lynda. Along with repairing the house and helping with the investigation, Jazzi find times to develop a love interest with her house contractor, Ansel.
I really enjoyed reading this book. Jazzi is a strong and unique character. For those of you that enjoy watching all the shows about house flipping, I think you will find this a fun read. You get invested in the progress of the house as the story moves along. You are able to watch as the characters develop strong and realistic bonds between them. The only problem I had with the characters is that I thought Jazzi let Ansel take over too much of the decision making. I would think that as a house flipper that she would have strong instincts about what would work. I still enjoyed the chemistry that builds between them though. I’m looking forward to meeting these characters again in the next book.
The mystery itself leaves many clues for the reader. However, you are left to second guess yourself with each new twist and turn in the investigation.
#netgalley #thebodyintheattic
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.
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