Friday, August 2, 2024

Book Review - What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust


What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust (11th Book in the Flavia de Luce Series)

Author:  Alan Bradley 

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine / Bantam 

Publication Date: September 03, 2024 

Rating: 5 Stars


Flavia is back! After "The Golden Tresses of the Dead," I thought we had seen the last of her. It's always hard to say goodbye to a beloved character, so this unexpected return is a delightful surprise. Flavia remains the central character, but her cousin Undine is increasingly becoming a significant part of the story. Undine, like Flavia, is a delightful character. Flavia sees them as complete opposites, while Undine aspires to be just like her cousin. In truth, both have a knack for getting into trouble, though their personalities differ.


This time, the beloved Mrs. Mullett is in trouble, accused of killing a former hangman. Flavia, along with her familiar friends and her young cousin Undine, sets out to prove Mrs. Mullett's innocence. Themes of innocence and duty, and what they entail, play a significant role in this book.


Though still a young lady, Flavia shows more maturity in this installment. This doesn't mean she is prim and proper, but she has gained wisdom beyond her years. For me, the most significant change is Flavia's realization of her mortality. Meanwhile, Undine's innocence and lack of understanding of life's finitude remind me of the younger Flavia. This newfound awareness influences Flavia's reactions, adding depth and realism to her character development.


The mystery itself is as compelling as ever. In some mystery novels, the solutions can feel either too convoluted or too predictable. Not so with this series. Clues are laid out methodically, building upon each other in a satisfying way.


I also appreciated how the author revisited old story threads, continuing them seamlessly. It's refreshing not to be left with loose ends.


I highly recommend this book! It's a mystery without gore or explicit violence, features excellent character development, and boasts a well-thought-out, well-written plot. Five stars from this reader.


Additionally, this book doesn't feel like the end of the series. I anticipate more fun and adventure ahead.


Thanks to NetGalley and Bantam Books for an ARC of this book. #NetGalley #WhatTimeTheSextonsSpadeDothRust



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